Dr. JOnathan A. Watson, Pastor

Email: pastor@bbcappomattox.org

Place of birth: Appomattox, VA

Birthday: September 20

Wife: Michelle (May 29)

Anniversary: December 18, 2004

Children: William Stewart (01/23/09); Victoria Marie (09/24/10); Isaac Slater (09/05/12), Caroline Rose (03/17/15); Alayna Joy Watson (09/22/17)


- Bachelors of Science in Pastoral Studies (Tennessee Temple University '05)

- Master of Arts in Religion concentration in Church Ministries (Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary '07),

- Master of Divinity (Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary '10)

- Doctor of Ministry: Ministry Leadership (Liberty University Rawlings School of Divinity '21)

Ministry Experience:

- 2004 - Internship at Bible Baptist Church (Hendersonville, TN)

- 2005-2006 - Children's Pastor at Bible Baptist Church (Appomattox, VA)

- 2006-2011 - Youth Pastor at Bible Baptist Church (Hendersonville, TN)

- January 2012 - Pastor at Bible Baptist Church (Appomattox, VA)

Life Verse: Psalm 19:14

Favorite Pro sports teams: Atlanta Falcons, Atlanta Braves & Nashville Predators

Favorite College teams: Virginia Tech Hokies & Liberty Flames

Favorite restaurant: Red Lobster

Hobbies/Interests: Beyond his family and ministry, Pastor Watson enjoys running, coaching/playing soccer, landscaping, painting, college football and racing.

Jerry Boyce, Associate Pastor

Email: jjboycejr@yahoo.com

Place of birth: Appomattox, VA

Birthday: July 21

Wife: Stephanie (July 17)

Anniversary: March 23

Children:  Jeremiah, Makayla, Jude, Josiah

J.D. Critcher, music & Children's minister

Email:  jchrc2000@gmail.com

Wife:  Crissy

Children Halley, Riley

Jeannie Sollie, Church Secretary

Email: office@bbcappomattox.org

Birthday: February 13

Place of Birth: Appomattox, Va

Husband: Shaun

Anniversary: March 30

Children: Chandler, Alexis, Olivia Son-in-law: Elliot Grandson: River

Education: Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Liberty University

Favorite Scriptures: Joel 2:25, Isaiah 40:31, Luke 22:31-32